Wastewater Treatment Plant
Waste Water Plant Chief Operator
Larry Carrow
Plant Phone: 518-492-7944
Email: lcarrow@yahoo.com
Waste Water Plant Operator
Jeremy Garsow
The Village of Dannemora Wastewater Plant is responsible for the treatment of the village's sewage and wastewater. The plant is staffed by a team of trained professionals who use advanced technology and processes to ensure that the wastewater is treated and disposed of safely and efficiently.
The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) dictates what tests must be completed, how often, where samples are taken, and what limits are allowed to reach the Saranac River.
Plant personnel maintain all the equipment that removes debris in the line. They maintain 60 acres of property with three aerated lagoons and add chemicals to remove phosphorous and other chemicals used to remove pathogens (germs) for fish and swimmers downstream.
Plant personnel also assist Public Works, as needed, flagging for road work and plowing snow and sanding streets during the winter months.
For any water or sewer problems or concerns, please call the Public Works Department at 518-492-7245
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